BOUT++ cheat sheet

Essential and useful commands, from getting and building BOUT++, to writing a physics model. More complete documentation at Download a pdf of this page: cheat_sheet

git commands

# Initial checkout
git clone --recurse-submodules
# Checkout other branch
git checkout <branch or tag>
# Get branch updates
git pull
# Make sure submodules are up to date
git submodule update --init --recursive

Building BOUT++


  • C++11 compiler (gcc >= 4.9, Intel >= 14, Cray >= 8.4, Clang >= 3.3)
  • MPI
  • NetCDF >= 4.4.0

Optional dependencies:

  • HDF5
  • FFTW3
  • OpenMP
  • PETSc >= 3.4.0
  • SLEPc >= 3.4.0
  • SUNDIALS >= 2.7, or the separate components:
    • ARKODE
    • IDA
    • CVODE

Most of the integrated tests required PYTHONPATH to be set to tools/pylib:

export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/BOUT++/tools/pylib:$PYTHONPATH


The basics:

# Detect compiler, libraries, etc.
# Build in parallel with <N> processors:
make -j<N>
# Run tests
make check

Production: full optimisation, OpenMP, PETSc, and SUNDIALS

./configure --with-optimize=3 \
    --enable-openmp \
    --with-petsc=${PETSC_DIR} \

Other useful commands:

# List available options
./configure --help
# Full debug mode
./configure --enable-checks=3 \
    --enable-track \
# Set MPI C++ compiler to (for example) Intel MPI
./configure MPICXX=mpiicpc

Developing BOUT++ library itself? If you touch a header file, need to rebuild the whole library:

make clean && make -j<N>

Need to change configuration options? Just rerun configure. Worst case:

make distclean && ./configure <options>

Need to modify configure somehow? Change then run

autoreconf -fvi


The basics:

# Make out-of-source build directory
mkdir build && cd build
# Detect compiler, libraries, etc.
cmake ..
# Build in parallel with <N> processors:
make -j<N>
# Run tests
make check

Production: full optimisation, OpenMP, PETSc, and SUNDIALS

cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \

Other useful CMake flags:

# Get latest version of CMake
pip3 install --user cmake
export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH
# Graphical interface
# List all options and documentation
cmake .. -LH
# Export compilation commands for other tools
# Set the MPI C++ compiler (for example) for Intel MPI:
cmake .. -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=mpiicpc

Developing BOUT++ library itself? Just rerun make, CMake knows exactly what to rebuild, including if you touch headers

Need to change configuration options? Delete the build directory and make a fresh one:

rm -r build && mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. <options>

Can keep multiple build directories for different configurations

Building a physics model


In Makefile:

BOUT_TOP = /path/to/bout++/
SOURCEC = my_model.cxx
include $(BOUT_TOP)/make.config

then run:



In CMakeLists.txt:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.13)
project(my_model LANGUAGES CXX)
find_package(bout++ REQUIRED)
add_executable(my_model my_model.cxx)
target_link_libraries(my_model PRIVATE bout++::bout++)

then run:

mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/installed/bout++

Writing a physics model

  1. Include the necessary headers

    // Required
    #include <bout/physicsmodel.hxx>
    // For Laplacian inversion
    #include <invert_laplace.hxx>
  2. Write a class publicly inheriting from PhysicsModel:

     class MyModel : public PhysicsModel {
  3. Add members for the evolving fields, any runtime options, any objects that need to live between rhs calls:

     class MyModel : public PhysicsModel {
         Field3D temperature;
         BoutReal conductivity;
  4. Implement the two required virtual functions, init and rhs. init should contain a call to SOLVE_FOR for each evolving variable. Similarly, rhs should contain a call to the ddt for those variables.

     class MyModel : public PhysicsModel {
         Field3D temperature;
         BoutReal conductivity;
         int init(bool restarting) override {
             // Any other setup
         int rhs(BoutReal time) override {
             ddt(temperature) = /* implementation */;
  5. Add BOUTMAIN to create default main function:

     class MyModel : public PhysicsModel {
  6. Add a Makefile or CMakeLists.txt from above